
Hong Kong – Current Situation

Due to limited land resources and rapid urbanization, Hong Kong relies on imports for about 95% of its food supply; local production contributes only 3% of fresh vegetables and 46% of live poultry. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service report on Hong Kong Retail Food Sector suggests U.S. exports of high value food products to Hong Kong reached US$4 billion in 2017, making it the 4th largest market for the U.S. and Hong Kong is one of the fastest growing major markets in the world.

Danger of Conventional Farming - Agricultural Chemical Residues

The issue of the regulations and standards for pesticide residue management in China has risen from a marginal to a key issue among the Hong Kong public in the past decade. Consumers are increasingly aware of food safety and hygiene, and organic foods of higher nutritional value picks up in popularity. The demand for organic products will continue to grow. Grain products, soybeans, cereals, oats, noodles are in good demand.

Introduce Solution – Bio-farming

In organic farming, food is produced according to standards designed to keep production more “natural”. Synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilisers, antibiotics, growth promotants, and food additives derived from non-organic sources, as well as genetic modification and irradiation are excluded. ETF's pioneering terrapin project at the EcoFarm and Aqua Tech Base aims to promote of cultivation companies demonstrate man-made ecosystem as the substitute of unbiodegradable, bacteria-killing chemicals.

ETF also offers advisory service on tested appropriate farming technologies (i.e. biogas, solar panels and drip irrigation), which will improve production and lessen agriculture sector’s rising concerns for the sustainability of conventional farming.

For more information about organic farming or your specific needs, please feel free to contact us at (+852) 2111-4771.
