EnviroTech Foundation (ETF) is established in 2007. We are a Hong Kong based government recognized charitable organization (File No: 91/9253) dedicated to empowering sustainable development with environmental technologies in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta in mainland China. The inspiration for the foundation is derived from Founding President, Dr William CG Ko who devotes his lifetime service to Hong Kong’s water supplies, in improving the quality and quantity of water supply from the East River. He participated in all the 4 stages of improvement in the East River water supply. As an engineer helping Assistant Director (AD) Lau in Stage I, as a senior engineer helping AD Leung in Stage II, as the AD himself in Stage III and as the Director of Water Supplies in Stage IV. He has thus been called “Father of East River Supply to Hong Kong”.
We are an advocate for sustainable business solutions and a platform for exploring the latest development and best practices of low carbon and other environmental technologies. Our vision is to connect people, ideas and resources to solving climate change challenges and environmental problems in both Hong Kong and our motherland – the People’s Republic of China.
Empowering Environmental Movements – raise widespread awareness and encourage broader application of environmental resources management in the region via our exclusive Green Directory, advisory, education, training and events.
National Networking – establish connection to leaders in the industry and benchmark cutting-edge environmental technologies applications with ETF’s strong partnerships with a number of local and national businesses.
Brand Reinforcement – demonstrate partners’ green credentials on our Green Directory, supported with advisory service in project financing. ETF offers extensive opportunities to sponsor and speak at wide-ranging programmes collaborated with universities and other recognized bodies.
Enhancing Policy – support market transformation to a sustainable city by stimulating the uptake of sustainable and enviromental principles. With industry and goverment support and engagment with the community, ETF will foster a sustainable future for Hong Kong and furthermore the mainland.
Our organization comprised of leading academics, experts and entrepreneurs in the fields of sustainable technologies, environmental management systems, and waste sorting and recovery. These six strategic focus areas will expand and continue to be areas of focus for us into coming years.
We strive for quality improvement of service with our extensive researches on environmental technologies and pro-active contribution to the local community.